Posts Tagged ‘take out’

Hintonburger, you guessed it, Hintonburg

I’ll admit that I haven’t yet managed to get to the hintonburger. But I’ll be damned if I’m not going to do a little write up, since it just opened and it’s number one on Urban Spoon (for being talked about)

I live in hintonburg. I’m pretty proud of that, having lived in the glebe for 5 years before I moved to Hintonburg, I’m still proud to live in the “burg” (better yet – I live on the Hip Strip – my life is pretty awesome)

anyways, I sent my ever-willing boyfriend & his friend to the Hintonburger since I had to work on this particular evening…and what happened…The y CLOSED…early. The going theory is that they ran out of meat. I’m guessing that they wanted to leave everyone in suspense. It was not late, people were finishing up their burgers when the boys got there…So, dear readers, I am in turn leaving you in suspense, so if & when you go there, drop me a line and fill me in if I don’t get there first.

Update: I visit on Wednesday and had a great experience. Excellent Corn dog, poutine that was layered the proper way with squeeky curds throughout and service with a smile. Hopefully they’ll be a neighbourhood staple and open to all hours! I can definetly see myself craving one of their juicy, home-made corndogs after bar hour.

Hintonburger on Urbanspoon